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Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Okay lets review this whole episodes and what key bits that has progress that let this episode.
1)The Meeg-chan ace monster card that belongs to that super simp Chupataro pulled a GX move or a og Yu-gi-oh DM when it became real like with the whole Orichalcos arc and or JInzo in GX being a dark duel spirit or further on in the GX arcs. But in this case Meeg-chan became a solid vision which would mean a solid hologram entity powered by the "Earthdamer".

2) The Earthdamer is what looks like a blob-ish like energy sustenance that is connected to Yuuhi which is most likely his own energy that he probably pulled out of him self with one of his own experiments which is probably negative energy since when possessive someone or come on contact it brings out negative side of people. Also when it's close he seems to get ill from it, but what's surprising is Zwijo is using this for what schemes he has instore but also has risk and cost aftereffects.

3)Zwijo looks like is gonna be the next duel challenge since from what the trailers show after the credits and will reveal the last ace monster that is in the at the intro but atm this is slow and not getting to the point of this series since it's mostly introductions and tutorials.

Personal thoughts: I hope this is gonna get better cause this is just getting too silly and the running gags this is bringing out is get tiresome since even "Sevens" had more seriousness than this has atm.

ThatMan666 • 1 year ago

Here's to expecting Zwijo weaponizing the Earthdamer eventually forcing Yudias to do the same.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

I agree

Joe Faker • 1 year ago

>I hope this is gonna get better cause this is just getting too silly and the running gags this is bringing out is get tiresome since even "Sevens" had more seriousness than this has atm.

This is the one big thing I've seen parroted around in a lot of these comment sections that I just cannot at all agree with. Of course, compared to the Yu-Gi-Oh average, it's still fairly silly and lighthearted, but moreso than Sevens? Not even close, it's taking itself far more seriously. I think it's even debatably more focused than GX and Zexal were 10 episodes in respectively.

As far as I can tell, there really haven't been any filler duels so far: they've all either been between members of the supporting cast or the first antagonist group led by Zwijo (who I'm sure will all become allies after this arc), and the whole time it's been building this mystery with the Earthdamar which it now turns out can be used to weaponize duels. There are gags and wacky character traits here and there, but it's undeniably telling a pretty solid and coherent narrative.

I will agree the duel writing and pacing has been pretty piss-poor so far though. Hopefully it'll get more complicated after we're done with tutorials and we'll be able to chalk it up to a casualty of rising action.

Hoshimiya Eiji • 1 year ago

See ? When they don't waste time with pitiful brainless tutorials they can at least make a decently interesting episode (the duel writing was still utter boring and trash though)

SynCloud • 1 year ago

I pretty much gave up hope of the Go Rush writers coming up with well written duels. Because all rush duels are the same. You summon monsters, tribute them for a stronger monster and then you attack your opponents monster. Then your opponent gets to do the same thing on their turn. Then you get to do the same thing. That's all there is to it now sadly 12:45 pm 06/06/22

Tripple-A • 1 year ago

Well Sevens managed to make the duels at least decent most of the times, but in the end I agree, I have little hope for Go Rush at this point.

oh • 1 year ago

I have a feeling that at this rate, it will take a long time for Maximum Summon to start appearing. And then they'll spend a ton more time adding Fusion Summons (or the writers just throw them all away)

Bukan Hamid • 1 year ago

yeah he didn't even set his cards when he bricks just summons them lol

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

🎶Mememelody🎶 Oh geez!!!! Now I got that melody in mind and can't get rid of it lol.
Man that chupa dude sure is simping hard for his waifu card.

Ny3 • 1 year ago

Reminds me of scatman song.

Bukan Hamid • 1 year ago

reminds me of kaibaman in yugioh gx

Bukan Hamid • 1 year ago

she even have burst stream of destruction

Tripple-A • 1 year ago

That trap card makes barely any sense and the effect is also different than what Chupataro did.
The card can only be activated if your beast type normal monster is attacked and it will always lose 2000 ATK, making it already a pretty high drawback. Now if the benefits would be worth it some LP loss would even for the anime be a good trade off. But the effect is nothing more than sending 4 cards to the GY to add any number of those back to the hand, cards you would have most likely drawn either way next turn. A somewhat selective mill would be useful for normal Yugioh, but without GY effects the benefits of this card are neglectable.
The effect as shown by Chupataro is even worse, milling 4 cards to draw 4 cards has an equal chance to mill Meeeg-chan instead of drawing her.
The only real benefit is drawing 4 cards while having an almost full hand, which should just not happen in Rush Duels.

Edit: Seems like he's drawing them from the GY, so it's just shown in a confusing way but it works as intended. Still a bad card, but in that case it makes sense I guess.

Yuya Sakaki • 1 year ago

Finally when damage becomes real

RokuSora • 1 year ago

I only now realized that the reason Chupataro has sheep themed deck is cuz in folklore, Chupacabra would prey upon cattle in order to drain their blood. Sheep and goats are their favorite prey. Also when he said he'll chu chu chupa everyone, he probably meant he'll suck all of their blood and the Kirishima guy looked like he was drained of blood too. I know this is aimed at kids but man they surely did research for this one.

prinkhelz • 1 year ago



Axel Vargas • 1 year ago

That's kinda the point of Rush Duels. Making the duels simpler and faster by letting you draw and summon as much as you need.
It's not like there wasn't older duels where they would summon their entire deck using some massive BS 10-steps strategy, but at least now they don't need to do the impossible to do so

pato • 1 year ago

Full of memory

Att441 • 1 year ago

as musica ta mutio boa, mas nao tao boa quanto o do naruto classico

Ephemerald • 1 year ago

ngomongin anonim didepan anonik🗿🗿

WhoCares • 1 year ago

Tenang mc masih banyak cara

ShadyBiscuits • 1 year ago

Mi humilde opinión es que solo puede haber una reina y esa es la waifu Vampira q espero que aparezca y muestre quien manda PD gracias por la traducción estuvo muy bueno como siempre

bro what... for the 1st time in history
a solid vision monster is dueling

Guest • 1 year ago
Antonio Spadaccino • 1 year ago

How come does this post have tons of like? What is going on?

EDIT: Please DO NOT check this user's profile, the images traumatized me...

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

It's a freakin link spam bot and 99% of upvotes are other link spam bots linking to a redirect that leads you to malware virus issues.
Also it mainly links you to Blili blili comics website if you have virus protection + ad block + malware protection programs in place.

It's best to downvote and report it

Fayt Leingod • 1 year ago

what happened to meg-chan and chupataro is the best example of your waifu doesnt like you
its weird they called it solid vision but they still dont have mass in arc-v u can literally interact with anything

Guest • 1 year ago
jamie chambers • 1 year ago

because his world is at war he's trying to figure out a way to resolve conflict without violence. IE playing a childrens card game

Guest • 1 year ago
LegoOnTheGroundYouMissed • 1 year ago

Has a Webroot which is Phishing and Other Fraud in it after I scanned the link. Reported
Also has lot's of redirects

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Oh so another one came here.
I've reported like 4 of them yesterday.
All they go to is that one link

LegoOnTheGroundYouMissed • 1 year ago

Yeah, looks like another wave has come

Vincent • 1 year ago

He's still a simp for Meeg, why is there no explanation as to why he abandoned the Meeg figurine?

Also, that trap card which let him add 4 cards to your hand (the one he used to get Meeg), shouldn't it better used at your own turn? Since Rush Duel draw system is fill hand until you have 5, filling your hand during opponent's turn will limit your turn's draw.

oh • 1 year ago

Sooooo... that Earthdamer-thing not only materialize Monster cards but also drains the energy of the other people (Except Yuuhi)? Kinda interesting, but they still messed up the duel. Hopefully this serie will get better if they completely get rid of those boring tutorial and start having some nice duels instead.

Ny3 • 1 year ago

10 episodes in and im only 60% sure Yuudias is the main character lol.

Josh Kala • 1 year ago

I did not expect Zwijo to this far and meg chan was just a test subject card. Just imagine more powerful monster he will use aside from normal tributes, fusions, maximums new or old gimmicks.

ThatMan666 • 1 year ago

Well this is interesting when compared to past duels against a Monster Spirit.